00:06:05 Paula Sullenger: We now have a quorum 00:12:17 Tom Cramer: paula it may just be me, but your microphone level is just a little low. You are audible, but with effort 00:13:07 Paula Sullenger: I turned it up 00:15:40 Kristin Martin (UChicago she/her): I thought the question was more hypothetical at WOLFCon. 00:16:32 Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh): My idea in short - with an annual investment and some good and time will we can develop a cohort of new developers working on open source systems 00:16:39 Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh): good wil 00:17:05 Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh): AND be congruent with ideas of incluson and openess 00:17:19 Marc Johnson: I think some folks in the TC interpreted this as “we have a surplus, how might you spend it?†rather than it being completely hypothetical Folks have the impression there is a surplus available to spend 00:19:02 Kristin Martin (UChicago she/her): I've lost audio? 00:19:08 Tom Cramer: we're still talking 00:19:16 Tom Cramer: so, yes (?) 00:20:03 Kristin Martin (UChicago she/her): My audio has interrupted again... 00:22:11 Maike Osters (hbz): Hi, I need to leave in 15 minutes today, I'm sorry 00:24:45 Simeon Warner (he/him): quarterly 00:24:51 Simeon Warner (he/him): monthly too frequent 00:25:09 Kristin Martin (UChicago she/her): We'd want to make sure our agendas are well-thought, regardless. 00:25:15 Tom Cramer: quarterly better unless we have specific topic to work through, then meet more often as needed 00:25:41 Dracine Hodges: I agree, monthly seems ambitious; perhaps quarterly or bi-monthly 00:26:18 Paula Sullenger: Quarterly sounds good to me 00:26:31 Maike Osters (hbz): for me too 00:26:36 Ian Walls: the Platform is the common base for FOLIO LSP, ReShare, and various regional builds (each of which are Products) 00:29:15 Marc Johnson: I think we can at least say that’s one proposed definition 00:29:46 Marc Johnson: This meeting is reminding me that there is not shared agreements across groups e.g. the prevailing use of platform today is plural 00:30:32 Tom Cramer: I think this is a tri-council topic. 00:30:47 Tom Cramer: It is existential—what is FOLIO? 00:31:04 Simeon Warner (he/him): We could ask all through councils to bring ideas to the next cross council meeting 00:31:17 Simeon Warner (he/him): (rather than everyone speaking as individuals) 00:32:15 Ian Walls: I think if we're back to asking such fundamental baseline questions, that's evidence that the current model is not functional 00:34:20 Marc Johnson: I agree with that in the sense that we don’t have a shared model today 00:36:14 Besara, Rachel M: I'm so sorry - I need to step away 00:40:50 Marc Johnson: Boaz, I agree we need to spend more time. We have two levels of misalignment: * higher level: is there one platform or many? * lower level: what makes up a / the platform? 00:44:23 Marc Johnson: (That was specifically on the question of what is the platform, the other questions are similar) 00:44:36 Keven Liu: Sorry I am late 00:44:51 Keven Liu: I had a conflict meeting just now 00:45:54 Simeon Warner (he/him): Congratulations (and thanks) Dracine! 00:45:55 Harry: Thank you Dracine! 00:46:00 Tom Cramer: +1 00:46:15 Keven Liu: +1 00:46:20 Jesse Koennecke (he/him): SPEECH! 00:50:15 Marc Johnson: I thought we only paid for one developer (from Cornell). Did I misunderstand that? 00:50:30 Simeon Warner (he/him): There used to be both Zak and Michal 00:51:03 Marc Johnson: Thanks. My sense of time and the lag of accounting is messing with me 😃 00:52:32 Simeon Warner (he/him): I think we should decide to aim for 6 months reserve, even if we don't have it yet 00:55:32 Harry: Thank you Paula! 00:56:10 Dracine Hodges: +1 Thanks, Paula for wrangling the numbers. 00:56:32 Paula Sullenger: And I completely forgot to do that 00:58:00 Tom Cramer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-F613EM2d4pOwgRQobRQyS0k5T2T9RjoprNcfA_NLa0/edit 00:58:31 Paula Sullenger: I think it would be a good exercise 00:59:30 Kristin Martin (UChicago she/her): Have to run. Thanks for letting me sit in.