00:03:54 Leander Seige: Hello everyone! 00:15:16 Ian Ibbotson: o/ hotel booked :) 00:15:28 Ian Walls: plan to be there... waiting on registration to open 00:15:35 Julie Bickle (LMU): Me too 00:15:45 Leander Seige: Me very likely 00:16:23 Simeon Warner (he/him): I'm not sure, might allow other staff to go in preference to me 00:17:22 Ian Ibbotson: Yep 00:17:30 Leander Seige: +1 00:27:07 Leander Seige: I am sorry, I have to leave due to an urgent event. 00:27:48 Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh): We may want to involve the councils in the elections committee 00:34:50 Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh): yes 00:35:44 Sullenger, Paula: I'll have a budget update next meeting 00:35:58 Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh): I imagine most members will contribute at least on the same level??? 00:37:50 Tom Cramer: we currently don’t have a crisp theory of resourcing Marc. So your question is excellent, but also a challenge to answer at the moment. 00:39:01 Ian Ibbotson: Ha - I first read that as "Crisis theory of resourcing" - Freudian! 00:39:06 Kirstin Kemner-Heek: +1 Tom 00:41:33 Tom Cramer: go Marc! 00:42:04 Tom Cramer: one person’s crisp is another’s crisis @Ian. 😂 00:42:12 Ian Ibbotson: :) 00:42:30 Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh): I like the direction Marc is suggesitng 00:45:09 Kirstin Kemner-Heek: What about adressing this very existential question on WOLFCON and ask the people who can to provide the necessary background Information (POs, etc.) and bring Forward the consequenses if we can't do more / other support. 00:45:13 Ian Ibbotson: o/ 00:45:14 Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh): I do 00:45:17 Ian Walls: I would volunteer to help with such a working group 00:45:37 Ian Ibbotson: (that was me putting my hand up too pls) 00:46:14 Sullenger, Paula: I'd like to be involved as Treasurer but won't take point on anything 00:47:15 Tom Cramer: Thanks Harry 00:47:32 Besara, Rachel M: I’m going to need to have to leave early for another meeting. Appologies 00:48:38 Ian Walls: no, no, that's a very valid thing to bring up 00:50:19 Marc Johnson: Is there any value in having folks from the other Councils in the working group for sustainable development contributions? 00:51:03 Tom Cramer: @Marc Yes, I think so 00:51:18 Kirstin Kemner-Heek: +1 Marc 00:51:41 Tom Cramer: (And Ian Walls has already signed up so we are already beyond CC.) 00:52:00 Tom Cramer: Open slack channel = #folio-resourcing 00:52:12 Ian Walls: Tom++ 00:52:14 Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh): Thanks Tom 00:52:46 Kirstin Kemner-Heek: + 1 Tom 00:53:16 Marc Johnson: Any chance I can convince folks to move away from the resourcing terminology when refereeing to people and contributing 00:54:15 Tom Cramer: @Marc would you like to make that the first comment in new channel?